People, Places, Enterprises & Miscellany pertaining to the Fox family


Welcome to our Fox Family Chronicles! 🦊

Dive into fascinating tales and tidbits about the Fox family members and their ventures, homes, and much more. Our website is a treasure trove of stories waiting to be discovered, and we hope it sparks your curiosity to learn more about our captivating ancestors.

We didn’t really intend the site to become quite so large but the project just grew and grew. Every internet search led us to another intriguing door waiting to be opened, and we couldn’t resist!

What's our goal with this site?

  • Ignite the passion for family history in our younger kin.
  • Offer a space for everyone (whether you’re a Fox or a friend) to share tidbits, tales, or trivia.
  • Continuously enrich the content. Your insights and stories? Always welcome!

Wondering where to start? Here are a few ways:

  • Pick a category from the drop down box at the top right of the page
  • Explore the “Recent Posts” list for fresh stories 
  • Choose “Instructions” from the top menu for alternative search methods.

Relationship Charts

Where relationships are included, e.g. 2nd cousin 2x removed, they will refer to  either Lloyd Howard Fox (“Lloyd”) or Griselda Aggs Bigland (“Griselda” ). No descendants of either Lloyd or Griselda are included at this time.


Be sure to click on “Locations” to discover Fox place of interest near you or on your travels.

So, put on your explorer’s hat and join us in uncovering the enchanting world of the Fox family legacy. Happy exploring! 🌟


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