People, Places, Enterprises & Miscellany pertaining to the Fox family

7 Bruce Grove – Luke Howard lived here

7 Bruce Grove

source: The Cloud Appreciation Society
We wholeheartedly support the campaign by the Tottenham Civic Society to save 7 Bruce Grove, Tottenham, London, which is a Grade II Listed building in a state of severe dereliction and in danger of falling down. Once a fine Georgian townhouse, it was the home of Luke Howard, who, in 1802, proposed a system for classifying clouds. Howard came up with the names ‘Cumulus’, ‘Cirrus’ and ‘Stratus’ and his naming system is still in use today.

7 Bruce Grove is the only building in this London area to bear a blue plaque. This simply says: Luke Howard (1772-1864) ‘Namer of Clouds’ lived and died here.

Due to its severe state of repair, the building is on the English Heritage ‘At Risk Register’. Please add your name to this petition for the local council to force Redwing Estates Ltd, which owns the 7 Bruce Grove, to undertake urgent and essential works. We can’t allow this historic home of the man who did so much for the love of the sky to crumble to the ground.

Luke Howard blue plaque

Luke Howard and No 7 Bruce Grove featured in both The Times (7th March 2016) & Private Eye (Edition No. 1412, 19th February 2016)

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