People, Places, Enterprises & Miscellany pertaining to the Fox family

Memoirs of Mrs. E M H Bigland, Jordans

Some of you may have a copy or have seen a 70 page typed hard copy version of Edith’s memoirs.  As this was somewhat difficult to read Catherine Putz persuaded a friend to retype it, and it is now much clearer. 

It is a fascinating read covering family, Quaker, artistic and social history from 1860s to 1940s. Something there for everyone; travels to Egypt and India and US, names of many famous artists, descriptions of France straight after First World war, suffrage, League of Nations and prison reform, stories of Lloyd and Griselda…..maybe it will inspire one of us to write a memoir. Everyone’s story is interesting.

Edith Mary Hanbury Aggs was married to Percy Bigland

One Response

  1. Just to say that I am also happy to re-type articles, old documents &c if it helps further the cause of family history. But please don’t rush all at once!
    (wife of Julian Fox, Wellington)

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