People, Places, Enterprises & Miscellany pertaining to the Fox family

Godolphin House


Godolphin House stands on the lower slopes of Godolphin Hill and was the home of the Godolphin family until the mid-18th century.

There has been a house on the site since Norman times and the present building dates from 1475. It has two main courtyards with all the large windows facing inwards. Only small windows looked outwards because of the fear of raids from the sea.

The Godolphins were one of Cornwall’s most important families, making their fortune from the tin discovered and mined on their land from early times. Members of the family held high public office with Sidney, 1st Earl of Godolphin (1645-1712) serving as Lord High Treasurer to Queen Anne.

Lloyd H Fox was the 2nd cousin 8x removed of Sidney Godolphin

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