People, Places, Enterprises & Miscellany pertaining to the Fox family

Grindelwald – a Fox introduced downhill skiing

source: Rosemary Greenwood in Alpine Journal 1992-93

In January 1891 my uncle Gerald Fox and his cousin Thomas Fox brought the first skis to Grindelwald from Norway where they had learned to use them. Although not the first skis seen in Switzerland, we believe they were the first in the Bernese Oberland. For some years the old Baer Hotel had had winter visitors who skated, curled and tobogganed. The Foxes were regarded as slightly mad as they demonstrated their skis.

They put them on indoors and skied out of the hotel entrance, using a single long pole. Neither the guests nor the local inhabitants saw a future for this dangerous sport, though they conceded that it was quite a good way of getting about compared with snow shoes. However, some of the local youths were prevailed upon to learn the rudiments and, though the sport did not catch on immediately, there was thus a nucleus of keen local inhabitants available to teach the visitors who came in increasing numbers as the years went by. … full article

Gerald Fox’s skis were presented to the Gridelwald museum in 1976

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