People, Places, Enterprises & Miscellany pertaining to the Fox family

J Howard Fox (1864-1951)

Howard Fox m, Marion Elizabeth Pease (1863-1942) at Pierremont

Lloyd H Fox was the son of John Howard

J Howard Fox built Robin’s Close

This photo is of the marriage, at Pierremont, of Marion Pease to J Howard Fox on October 4th, 1892. Marion Pease was the daughter of Henry Pease from Henry’s 2nd marriage to Mary Lloyd.

Presume that Mary Pease (nee Lloyd), then aged 66, is on the left of the bride and Sara Maria Fox (nee Howard) to the right of the groom.  Henry Pease died in 1881 and Thomas Fox, J Howard Fox’s father, was unable to attend due to illness.

Fox Pease wedding 1892
Fox Pease wedding 1892

Wonder what became of the servant who appears at the left hand upper floor window?


Pierremont then – what does it look like today?

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