People, Places, Enterprises & Miscellany pertaining to the Fox family

Linden, Wellington – A Fox home


source: “More than two Hundred Years …

Linden, originally the home of some of the were family, was where the bachelor Sylvanus (“never very good at business but a conscientious public servant”) lived with his spinster sisters until his death aged 83 in 1905. 

Lloyd was the 1st cousin 2x removed of Sylvanus Fox.


He always wore a top hat to Meeting in Wellington, and was much respected in the town.

Sylvanus’ youngest sister, Anna Rebecca, married the anthropologist Edward Burnett Tylor who became the first Professor of Anthropology at Oxford in 1896. He was knighted in 1912, and spent a lot of time at Linden not only as a young man but also towards the end of his life when he and his wife made it their home after the deaths of her brother and sisters.

Linden is now a nursing home

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