People, Places, Enterprises & Miscellany pertaining to the Fox family

Lloyd, Thomas (1640-1694) – deputy governor of Pennsylvania

Thomas Lloyd 1640

Thomas Lloyd m. Mary Jones (?-?)

Lloyd H Fox was the 6th great grand nephew of Thomas Lloyd

Thomas Lloyd became a Quaker in 1664 and was soon also ( with his brother Charles ll) imprisoned at Welshpool prison until he was also released in 1672.  In 1683 he decided to take his family to Pennsylvania, which had recently been founded by William Penn.  Within months of his arrival he was made Master of the Rolls.  The following year he was elected to the provincial council.  He became deputy governor for Pennsylvania under William Penn until 1693.

 He opposed the introduction of a militia into the province and was the most powerful and popular leader in Pennsylvania during this period. He died in 1694 and is buried in Philadelphia.

For more detail read this extract from “Colonial and Revolutionary Families of Pensylvania – Vol1” by John W Jordan

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