From the Beamish Transport Online website:
Pease family town carriage returns
The museum has, for many years (since 1962), owned an 1840 Town Coach, built for the Pease family by George Ha of Darlington. The Pease family are, of course, synonymous with the origins of the Stockton & Darlington Railway. For the last few decades the coach has been on loan to the National Trust, where it was displayed in the National Trust Carriage museum at Arlington Court in Devon. The coach is now surplus to the NT’s requirements, so for some time now a move back to Beamish has been planned. This was disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic, but last week the coach was finally removed from Arlington Court and returned to Beamish. The photos show the coach following arrival at the museum. It was placed onto a bespoke pallet for the purpose of the move, and remains on this (which protects the coach and takes the weight off its wheels) until its future location and display has been decided.

The interior of the coach is very finely appointed, and clearly very fragile. This will be one of the key considerations in our planning for the future display of the coach, to ensure the previous arrest of any deterioration is continued.

One of the hubs on the coach, confirming its construction by George Hay in Darlington.
One Response
When I want to Arlington years ago I didn’t know then I would become a member of the Fox Family.
Small world.