People, Places, Enterprises & Miscellany pertaining to the Fox family

Tregonning Hill

Memorial to William Cookworthy on Tegonning Hill.

William Cookworthy discovered china clay here in 1746. This memorial is sited next to the vast overgrown quarry on top of the hill, beyond the hedge in the background. Work went on here into the early 20th century.

Cooksworthy memorial
tregonning hill

source: germoe parish council

Choose your day well for your climb up Tregonning Hill and you’ll be rewarded with stunning views over Mounts Bay, the Lizard and beyond. It’s the highest summit in the area and from the Bronze Age has been an important feature shaped by man. Old meets new on this walk, from Castle Pencaire to modern communication. Located in the centre of a once thriving mining area, the hill was an important resource too, with its china clay pits and stone

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