People, Places, Enterprises & Miscellany pertaining to the Fox family

Lord’s Meade – demolished Howard home


source: Lord’s Meade Budget website

This is an 1865 photo of the house “Lord’s Meade”. John Eliot and Maria Howard moved there on 12th October 1830 and lived there all there lives.

The name of Lord’s Meade is believed to refer to fields belonging to the local landowner, for many years the Bruce family, located across the road in Bruce Castle. Subsequently, various members of the extended family have taken to calling their houses by this name. Most recently, Lord’s Meade Vocational College has been founded near Jinja, Uganda, by John Kirkwood

This is an extract from a Map of Tottenham in 1864. John Eliot and Maria Howard lived at Lord’s Meade, now the site of Lordsmead Road. The Chapel they founded was in Brook Street, just off the High Road at the southern end of Bruce Grove.

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