People, Places, Enterprises & Miscellany pertaining to the Fox family

John Killigrew (1508-1567)

John Killigrew m. Elizabeth Trewinnard (1518-?)
Lloyd H Fox was the 10th great grandson of John Killigrew

John Killigrew was the first Governor of Pendennis Castle.

source: wikipedia:
John III Killigrew (d.1567) of Arwenack, Falmouth, first Governor, appointed by King Henry VIII. His monumental brass survives in St Budock’s Church, Budock Water, near Falmouth, inscribed as follows:
“Heere lyeth John Killigrew, Esquier, of Arwenack and lord of ye manor of Killigrew in Cornewall, and Elizabeth Trewinnard his wife. He was the first Captaine of Pendennis Castle, made by King Henry the eight and so continued untill the nynth of Queene Elizabeth at which time God tooke him to his mercye, being the yeare of Our Lord 1567. Sr John Killigrew, Knight, his son(n)e succeeded him in ye same place by the gift of Queene Elizabeth”.


His son, Sir John IV Killigrew (d.1584), was a notorious pirate and smuggler and is buried in St. Budock’s church.

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