People, Places, Enterprises & Miscellany pertaining to the Fox family

“We Thought You Knew” by Philippa Gerry

Philippa’s story of her life includes a section describing her time at Gerbestone Manor.
Her book is available on Amazon; click here to order

Amazon's description of the book

‘Protecting’ a small child, by not telling them about something that is going to happen, is actually worse than giving a small explanation. Not knowing gives rise to dark thoughts; it’s a denial of the need to know, an exclusion. A child of any age needs to feel part of the family. Dialogue is a must. Children are full of surprises. They digest information they can understand, and ignore what they can’t. Secrets can be very toxic. My mother was advised to protect me (age 5) from the fact that she was due to return to India without me. This book is for anyone wondering what to tell a child: Just something simple will do. Luckily she had a good place to leave me, a saving grace. Please, please communicate. What does the Lord require of you, but to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God.

we thought you knew

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