People, Places, Enterprises & Miscellany pertaining to the Fox family

Malaria and Cinchona – the source of quinine

cinchona rugosa

John Eliot Howard purchased at Madrid, in 1858, the manuscript ‘Nueva Quinologia’ and the specimens of cinchona belonging to Pavon; employed a botanical artist to illustrate them, and published in 1862 the sumptuous ‘Illustrations of the “Nueva Quinologia” of Pavon, and Observations on the Barks described.’

Source: Royal Pharmaceutical Society. Full article here

J.E.Howard (1807-1883) was the leading “quinologist” in the second half of the 1800s. He was central to the establishment of cinchona plantations in India. His collection of cinchona specimens were donated to the Society’s Museum

Two Books

The Fever Trail

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