People, Places, Enterprises & Miscellany pertaining to the Fox family

Tregongeeves – Friends’ Burial ground

Edward Fox of Wadebridge was buried here.

source: wikipedia
There was formerly a Quaker burial ground at Tregongeeves, just outside the town on the Truro Road. It was covered by about 6 ft (1.8 m) of earth removed from the building of the new road in the 1960s. A high stone wall bounds the remaining acre of land; access can be gained through a wrought iron gate. Approximately forty of the headstones from Tregongeeves were removed and are now located at the Friends meeting house in the High Cross Street in St Austell, just below the high wall which surrounds St Austell railway station. That meeting house is still in use


This is all that is left of the Quaker Burial Ground. It was part of the Tregongeeves estate and it used to have a high wall around it, but the building of successive roads has eaten into it. The A390 Truro road is next to it. The bodies of the early Quakers lie 20 ft or more below the surface.

St. Austell Friends meeting house

St. Austell Friends’ Meeting House – Is there a headstone for Edward Fox here?

One Response

  1. Can anyone confirm where Edward Fox and his wife Anna (Were) are now buried if they were removed for the road widening scheme etc?
    Information is a bit sketchy and I’m looking for evidence.

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