People, Places, Enterprises & Miscellany pertaining to the Fox family

Edward Fox ( c1750-1817) of Gonvena, Wadebridge

Edward Fox m. Mary Brown (?-?)
Lloyd H Fox was the 2nd great grand nephew of Edward Fox of  Gonvena House, Wadebridge

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“Edward was a merchant adventurer with Charles Rashleigh, a partner and lawyer, in a mine called Polgooth, Cockshead and Mulvra, in the parishes of St Austell and St Mewn. Edward was ill for two years before he died. He is buried in the Friends Burial Ground at Tregongeeves, Cornwall.”

2 responses

  1. Edward Fox (1749-1817) married Mary Browne (died 1817), daughter of John Browne, a farmer of Landrake and his wife Mary. Edward was a merchant adventurer with Charles Rashleigh, a partner and lawyer, in a mine called Polgooth, Cockshead and Mulvra, in the parishes of St Austell and St Mewn. Edward was ill for two years before he died. He is buried in the Friends Burial Ground at Tregongreaves, Cornwall.

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