People, Places, Enterprises & Miscellany pertaining to the Fox family

Lloyd, Charles (1748-1828) – philanthropist & classical scholar

Charles Lloyd m. Mary Farmer (1750- 1821)
Lloyd H Fox was the half 3rd great nephew of Charles Lloyd

LLOYD, CHARLES (1748–1828), philanthropist, born at Birmingham 22 Aug. 1748, was second son of Sampson Lloyd, banker, of Birmingham, a descendant of an old Montgomeryshire family and a member of the Society of Friends, by his second wife, Rachel, daughter of Nehemiah Champion of Bristol.

Charles was educated at a private school, whence he passed into his father’s counting-house. He found time, however, to make himself no mean classical scholar. After his father’s death he carried on the banking business with eminent success, was a preacher, and otherwise a man of great influence among the Friends. Though debarred from public offices by his religious principles, he was universally respected as a citizen, and was one of the pioneers of the movement for the emancipation of the West Indian slaves, a supporter of the Bible Society and of unsectarian education, and one of the founders of the Birmingham General Hospital. He died on 16 Jan. 1828. His residence, Bingley House, near Birmingham, gave its name to Bingley Hall, the well-known place of assembly within the town.

Lloyd married, on 13 May 1774, Mary, daughter of James Farmer of Birmingham, by whom he had fifteen children. His eldest son was Charles Lloyd (1775–1839) [q. v.] the poet; his eldest daughter, Priscilla, married Christopher Wordsworth [q. v.], afterwards master of Trinity College, Cambridge, and brother of William Wordsworth the poet.

2 responses

  1. Thank you, so interesting. Is anything known about James Farmer, Mary’s father. Was she his only child. I wonder as Bingley Hall becomes the residence of Mary and her husband and not that of perhaps a son of James Farmer.

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