People, Places, Enterprises & Miscellany pertaining to the Fox family

Reginald Wilson Fox (1866 -1916 ) Killed in Action, Relief of Kut, Iraq

Reginald W

Reginald Wilson Fox m. Sophia Mabel Pease (1871- 1953 ).  Reginald and Sophia were 4th cousins

Lloyd H Fox was the 2nd cousin once removed of Reginald Fox and the 2nd cousin once removed of Sophia Pease

Horrabridge War Memorial Reginald Fox.JPG


Reginald Fox is remembered on the Horrabridge (nr. Tavistock) War Memorial (above) , on the Basra War Memorial, Iraq, on a brass plaque inside Wellington Church and in the War List of the University of Cambridge 1914-1918.

Lt Colonel Reginald Wilson FOX Reginald Fox was born in 1866 in Wellington, Somerset. He was the second eldest son of Charles and Caroline Fox. His father owned the banking firm Fox, Fowler & Co. A branch opened in Tavistock when they took over the Tavistock Bank (Gill & Son) in 1889.

Reginald was educated at Clifton College, Bristol and Clare College, Cambridge where he played cricket for Cambridge University. In 1881 he married Sophia Mabel Pease. By 1902 they were living in Grimstone Manor. He was on the board or treasurer of numerous Tavistock institutions. He also had two major passions – horses and the army. He was a well-known horse judge. On the military front he was commanding officer of the Volunteer Battalion 2nd (Prince of Wales) Devonshire Regiment based in Bedford Square Tavistock. In 1914 he resigned his commission and was appointed to the command of the 6 Devon Regiment, with which he went to India and later to Mesopotamia. He was killed in action during the first relief of Kut, Mesopotamia on the Ujailah Redoubt.

He was awarded the Victory Medal, The British War Medal and the Territorial Forces War Medal. He is also remembered on the Basra War Memorial, Iraq, on a brass plaque inside Wellington Church and in the War List of the University of Cambridge 1914-1918.

Obituary published in the Wellington Weekly News on November 1st, 1916

Reginald W Fox obit

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