People, Places, Enterprises & Miscellany pertaining to the Fox family

Gerald Fox (1865-1947) – Introduced skiing to Grindelwald

Gerald Fox on the downhill skis in 1891 1
Gerald Fox on the downhill skis in 1891

Gerald Fox m1: Florence Mary Fox (1870-1895); m2:Beatrice Ffoulkes Cornish-Bowden (1878- ?)

Gerald and Florence were 2nd cousins

Lloyd H Fox was the 2nd cousin 1x removed of Gerald Fox and the nephew of Florence Fox

Gerald introduced downhill skiing to Grindelwald and played rugby for both Trinity College, Cambridge and Somerset County.

The plant Nerine-Bowdenii – named after Athelstan Hall Cornish-Bowden the brother of Beatrice Ffoulkes Cornish-Bowden.

Source: wikipedia:
Before or in 1899 Cornish-Bowden sent some flower bulbs he found in South Africa to his mother in Newton Abbot, Devon, England. In 1902, she sent flowers and bulbs from the plant to Kew Herbarium with a note requesting that the species be named after her son. After some confusion, the species was named Nerine bowdenii

book foxes of Wellington

Need more details here please … perhaps a summary of p38-41 from “The Foxes of Wellington” by Dorothy Lomas ?

2 responses

  1. Gerald then married secondly in 1901 Beatrice Cornish ffoulkes Cornish-Bowden, 11th child of Admiral William and Elizabeth Anne Cornish-Bowden of Newton Abbot. (Please see The Cornish-Bowdens of Newton Abbot by Hubert Cornish Fox). He and Bee had six children.

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